We Help Put Your Business In Front Of Millions

Expand your reach, generate more leads, and maximize your impact on YouTube without getting overwhelmed. Let us help you create a customized strategy that takes your brand recognition and revenue to the next level.

YouTube Ads Are
No Longer A
It’s A Necessity.

Currently, YouTube has over 106 billion annual visits and 2.49 billion monthly active users

It is the second most visited website in the world, only topped by Google, which owns YouTube.

The average user spends 48.7 minutes daily, and 68% of users watch YouTube to make a purchase decision. But most importantly, most YouTube users are already in consumption mode. They’re already seeking content that entertains, informs, and engages. So, the only thing you need to do is capture their interests and show them what you’re offering.

Here at Adleg, YouTube Ads is our bread and butter. We were one of the first lean digital marketing agencies to recognize and master the advertising potential of YouTube back in 2014. 

Since then, we’ve created customized solutions for businesses of all sizes across various niches. 

From healthcare to course creators, and solopreneurs to mid-market tech companies, we’ve been able to maintain a baseline of 2X ROAS with some experiencing 10x ROAS through our battle-tested YouTube Ads strategy that’s proven to overcome market saturation, pesky algorithm updates, and economic cycles. 

How Can YouTube Ads

Grow Your Business?


It’s hard to overspend on YouTube when you know what you’re doing. Using our proprietary bidding strategy, we know how to bid the exact amount to get you the maximum reach.

Laser-Focused Targeting

YouTube’s robust targeting options allow you to put your ads in front of the exact audience you want.

Connect Better
With Your Audience

Videos allow you to connect better with your audience since they get to see the brand in action.

Choose From A Variety
Of Video Formats

Different video formats from YouTube Shorts to bumper ads connect with different audiences. We’ve mastered the advantages and disadvantages of each format type and can seamlessly use them to their full potential.

Get Qualified Leads
That Convert

People who see your YouTube Ads are people who are already actively searching for you, making them more qualified and easier to convert.

So, if you’re ready to take a shortcut towards your business goals,
chat with us to get your personalized YouTube Ads Strategy.

What Do Our Clients Say About Us?


Get You Results?



Before we create your ads, we take the time to understand your business during an Avatar Deep Dive call. This collaborative session helps us dig deeper into your core messaging, targeting, and unique mechanisms to uncover winning ad angles and hooks.

Funnel Walkthrough and
Bottleneck Identification

Once we get access to your funnel, your dedicated media buying team will comb through your funnel to foresee any potential bottlenecks that could hinder scaling. We’ll then provide actionable solutions that either we or your team could implement to make sure we get the best possible start.

Creative Ad Development

While our media buying team works on identifying obstacles, our in-house creative team will handle the entire creative process to craft compelling ads designed to captivate, convert, and engage. We’ll take on everything, from scripting to video production, so you won’t have to lift a finger.

Customized YouTube Strategy

We’ll launch campaigns tailored to your specific business goals to help you get an early win while testing different creatives that will create long-lasting results. We’ll also set up systems that help us monitor your ad performance in real-time, so you’ll always know what’s up with your account.

Continuous Iteration and Scaling

Our media buying team will continuously monitor and optimize your campaigns when launched. As your campaigns gain traction, we’ll develop a custom scaling plan to expand your reach, increase conversions, and drive revenue.


We believe in complete transparency. With every campaign, our advanced tracking and tailored setups offer immediate insights into our performance. With clear actionable data, you’ll see exactly how your business is going and how every dollar you’re spending is making an impact. 

We pride ourselves on our ability to maximize ad spending for optimal growth. Using a sustainable scaling strategy, we put every ad dollar to work efficiently, making sure to only bid what is necessary to secure long-term growth. Not one dollar gets spent without your permission under our watch.

Never worry about audience segmentation, A/B testing, systematic scaling, appealing disapproved ads, and monitoring performance. Good or bad, rain or shine–we’ll take care of everything while you focus on capitalizing on the results we generate.

Whether that means creating low-maintenance evergreen ads that run for years or captivating videos that stand out, we can take care of the entire process for you with our in-house creative team.

We don’t believe in a cookie-cutter approach as businesses have different needs and should be treated as such.

Data and exposure are two of the most important things in strategy. We’ve dabbled in almost every industry imaginable, giving us the ability to create innovative strategies your competitors might not even know of.  


Ready to diversify your traffic with YouTube Ads?
Chat with us to learn more about our YouTube Ads strategy.

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